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1 year blog-versary!

A year ago, I decided to start a blog. This blog! And 48 posts later, I'm pretty damn proud of myself. I've tried starting blogs a few times in my life, and usually I would write one or two posts and then forget about it forever. To this day, there are probably embarrassing tumblrs out there on the interwebs that I have forgotten to take down. But this time it stuck. Why? Because I didn't care about it at all.

1 year of doing my blog!

Previously, I'd always wanted my blog to be perfect. To make sure everyone loved it. To make it the best thing ever. And there's nothing like that kind of pressure to put you off blogging entirely. Which it did. This time, however, I just did it. I didn't care if anyone read it, I didn't care if the photo was beautiful, I didn't care if people didn't like what I had to say. I just got on with it. And it's been so rewarding! Writing a blog has greatly improved my writing abilities, it's funny how little we write in our day to day lives as adults. Back at school we were probably writing pages and pages a day, and I don't know about you, but my main form of writing these days is FB messages! But the blog at least gave me one decent slab of writing to do a week. Plus, it's actually really fun to write. Especially about nothing in particular - I realised very early on that I needed to have no rules to follow. If I was going to be able to write a post every single week, it couldn't just be about art. Or life. Or blueberries. I needed free range to jot down whatever was on my mind. Which is surprisingly therapeutic once you let go of any expectations or pressures. So, congratulations to me and my 1 year old blog. It's grown up so fast. I highly encourage you to birth your own little blog, I've found it to be exteremely rewarding. Don't be scared! And thanks to everyone for the support, I've had 2,713 people check out my blog in the last 12 months. Doesn't sound like much, but I'm proud that anyone reads it at all. The blog post with the highest views in one day was Why I'm Not Vegan or Vegetarian with 212 views. Because who doesn't love a bit of controversy! With an average readership of 225 a month, I'm pretty pleased with myself for increasing my website traffic from zero to anything!

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